Win a Car through Affiliate Marketing: What You Need to Know about Clickfunnels

If you’re in the process of starting a website for your business or if you’re in the process of improving your website, you might come across the term affiliate marketing. The concept of affiliate marketing is fairly straight forward. Affiliate marketing is when you promote other people’s products on your website or on your blog. When people click on the link and buy that product, you earn a small percentage of the profits from the sale.
And while affiliate marketing sounds simple in theory, sometimes it can be a struggle to pull off successfully. This is where a service like Clickfunnels comes in handy. Not only can Clickfunnels help you build a successful website and help you increase your sales, but they also offer you the opportunity to win a car.
What is Clickfunnels?
Clickfunnels is a service that allows you to easily create a company website. Not only that, but they help you create sales tunnels. Their online guides take you through the process of creating pages that will take your customers through the entire sales process. If you’ve never developed a sales website before, they offer templates based on your industry. This provides you with an easy way to create good landing pages that direct your customers through the sales process. Not only that, but they also offer assistance with marketing and allow you to easily obtain visitors' contact information. If you’re interested in help with creating sales tunnels but aren’t sure if Clickfunnels is for you, they offer a free 14-day trial.
Can I really win a car through Clickfunnels?
Yes! Clickfunnels gives you a chance to win your dream car through their “What’s Your Dream Car?” program. To be eligible, you have to affiliate with Clickfunnels and successfully promote their service. You’ll get paid if you send traffic to their website. And then if you get 100 people to sign up, they’ll give you up to $500USD per month to put towards your dream car. And if you get 200 people to sign up, they’ll give you up to $1000USD per month to put towards your dream car!
I’m interested – how can I become successful at affiliate marketing?
You might hear people say that affiliate marketing isn’t worth it. This is only true if you give up on affiliate marketing too soon or if you don’t put the right amount of effort in. To make affiliate marketing worth your time, you have to have an audience to promote products to. You have to have a good amount of traffic on your website if you’re going to make money through affiliate marketing. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the best way to go about gaining traffic to your website.
To keep the following returning to your website over and over (and therefore increase your chances of them purchasing a product), you’re going to want to offer your visitors come really great content. Don’t simply fill your website or your blog with a bunch of random content. Focus on a specific interest. For example, if you’re creating a blog and you’re really passionate about the newest and greatest Android apps, stick to reviewing only apps. As your blog grows, you can slowly begin reviewing other Android products while also beginning to slip some affiliate marketing into your posts.
On top of posting, you’re going to need to actively reach out to people. Connect to your audience through social media. Share content from your website, like what they’re saying, and reply to their comments. Engaging with them lets them know that you’re interested in them and that you care about them. And then, when you do promote a product, they’ll be more interested in purchasing it because it is coming from a source that they trust.
I’ve tried affiliate marketing but it is confusing. What should I do?
Don’t give up! If you’re feeling stuck with affiliate marketing, consider taking a course so that you can better understand it or talk to other affiliate marketers. There are many successful affiliate marketers out there that are passionate about teaching others. They’ll help you figure out how to improve your content or how to gain more traffic.
Final Thoughts
Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn additional income through your website or blog. Clickfunnels can not only help you create a successful sales website, but they’ll also pay you and give you the chance to win a car if you affiliate with them. So get that website ready, boost your SEO game, and get earning!