Material Design – Web Designing Framework

Ever since the arrival of material design on the inbox of Google thousands of web applications have started to deploy this web designing framework. The advent of material design has ushered in a simple yet effective approach to modern UI designs. Those of you creating web apps, websites or mobile apps definitely need to take a look at the different useful material design frameworks available.

Just within a few months after its launch material design became so popular that web developers from all round the world started to use this framework and its components for personal projects. There is no dearth of production ready material design frameworks available for download and in this article we are going to discuss in length about the highlighting features of Material Design Lite a web designing HTML responsive framework.

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MDL (Material Design Lite) would allow the user to add a material design feel and look to their web pages. It is independent of the frameworks of Java Script, and its objective is to optimize the site for cross device usage and provide an experience which can be accessed immediately.

Google realized the fact that there are many attempts by the community to create Material Design frameworks like Materialize, Material UI or Bootstrap Material design. The MDL which was created in collaboration with the team of Chrome UX offers an experience way better than Bootstrap and has finally set the standards for how this framework can be successfully implemented on the websites.

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MDL which can be set up without any difficulty, has been created to offer a basic yet lightweight set of material design templates and components for the websites.  Material design lite provides the users with the best possible framework for building responsive websites within just a nick of time.

Now it is time to take a quick look at the various cool features MDL has brought with its launch:

Material Design Components: Rather than focussing on highly interactive, data driven apps and sites like the Polymer Material Design Elements, Material Design Lite concentrates mainly on sites which come with simple contents like landing and marketing pages or blogs.

However if you want to make good use of the MDL components then you need to properly grasp the principles and objectives of Material Design. This is why it is always suggested that you start with reading the Introduction to Material Design before you start using the MDL components. Let us take a look at some of these components.

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Layout: This component comes with a number of building blocks meant for creating pages. For instance, lets take the grid which is a basic feature of all frontend framework. The grid of Material Design Lite is made out of Flexbox and with a little help from CSS’s Calc.

It features 12 columns meant for big viewports, 8 columns for tablet sized viewports and another 4 columns for small viewports. Material Design Lite’s layout component also comprises of tabs, navigation along with footers- all of which are optimized for all viewport sizes.

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