Increasing Cyber Attacks – A Concern for Businesses

The cybersecurity and safety is becoming a point of concern for businesses and corporate owners in the last few years. The cyber threats and attacks have increased a lot in recent times. As per an estimate, the attacks have increased by 67% as compared to 2014.

The primary purpose of these attacks is the trend-setting and trend-identification of individuals, and more precisely, it is aimed at advance selling. The bottom line objectives may be of hackers and criminals to break into personal and financial information of the individuals and gaining financial benefit.

It is revealed that the major proportion of these attacks account for cyber-crimes and financial gains, and a small proportion accounts for espionage.

The targeted sources for the cyber-attacks are the business equipment and devices that contain confidential and sensitive user information, which is supposed to remain protected and not to be used for illegitimate purposes.

According to a report, the financial checkouts of the e-commerce websites are the most vulnerable and prone to be monitored by cybercriminals and hackers, and the unsafe checkout paves a way into spying on business devices and ultimately striking the business interest and breach of customer data.

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The business devices get vulnerable to cyber-attacks due to negligence and irresponsible behavior of the users, as reported. The irresponsible behavior and careless attitude towards using business devices for personal use can be deadly for the business.

For instance, if an employee makes a purchase using an e-commerce platform, the same can prove to be damaging for the business data.

So, it is established that first of all, employees should be made aware of the concern to the business when they use business devices for unsafe checkouts. They need to be directed, and there should be a corporate code in place which devises the protocol and SOPs for using business devices for personal commitments.

For coping with this challenge, the employers need to have a strong mechanism in place that provides a code regarding the use of the business devices for employees, but sometimes it is not that much convenient to formulate such code.

So, the only feasible solution to monitor the employee activities and to watch the business interest is to incorporate using a spy app for business devices so that each and everything taking place on the target device get reported.

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By doing so, the employer will earn a hand at the whereabouts of employees and upon any vulnerable activity, the corporate owner can take necessary action.

You can read more about cyber threats to businesses here.

Statistics about Cyber Attacks on Businesses

4.1 Billion Records Exposed in First Half of 2019

The said stat is breath-taking. It suggests that 4.1 billion records containing user information were stolen using the cyber-attacks in the first half of 2019. The said information then was used for financial malfunctioning and trend-setting and trend-identification, which then get used for illegitimate and unethical underlying purposes.

Malware delivered through Email is 94%

It is suggested in the report that email is the most vulnerable source that get attached by the cyber threat. The report furnishes that 94% of the malicious content gets transferred through email, and the most common extensions that were used for the activity were .doc and .dot, followed by .exe.

Time Taken to Identify a Breach was 206 Days in 2019

This is the most astonishing fact. IBM suggested that in 2019, it takes 206 days to know exactly that a data breach and cyber-attack happened 206 days ago. This can prove to be the deadliest of the sufferings for the business, where the lead time to actually knowing the situation is 206 days, still, no action is taken.

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Using An Efficient Spy App to Cope with Problem – TheOneSpy

As it goes around using android spying app for the containment of the potential risks and to safeguard the business interests, the employers should start using a spy app so that they may be aware of all the activities that are performing on the business device.

The best app, after an extensive assessment, is TheOneSpy. The app covers all the dimensions and dynamics of business device spying and reports everything to the end-user.

As Christmas is approaching, the service has launched a promotional discounted subscription package, which can be bought by visiting


All the cyber threats to businesses are discussed, and the necessary actions are suggested. The best way to cope with the risks of cyber threats is by using a spy app, and TheOneSpy is the best that serves the purpose.

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